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The UW Now Livestream Phill Gross ’82, MS’83; Ricky Sandler ’91; and Julie Van Cleave ’81, MBA’83

Catch up on the UW Now Livestream event on April 7 featuring Phill Gross ’82, MS’83; Ricky Sandler ’91; and Julie Van Cleave ’81, MBA’83.

“COVID-19 isn’t just a public health crisis,” says WFAA president and chief executive officer Mike Knetter. “It has spawned an economic crisis in its wake.” At The UW Now Livestream on April 7, Knetter introduced three financial experts, who discussed the economic ramifications of the coronavirus pandemic. Phill Gross, cofounder of Adage Capital Management, talked about the course of the outbreak; Ricky Sandler, founder of Eminence Capital, looked at the economic downturn and discussed prospects for recovery; and Julie Van Cleave, chief investment officer of the Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association, spoke about the impact on UW–Madison and its endowment.

“A sudden severe storm is what we’ve been experiencing,” said Van Cleave, and the three speakers tried to help viewers understand that storm. Over the course of an hour, they answered questions from an audience of more than 1,100 alumni and friends of UW–Madison.

Follow the Spread

Did you miss some of the info in this event? You can track the spread of the virus, follow the “Road map to Reopening,” or collect general information on COVID from the National Institutes of Health.

The UW Now Livestream is itself a response to the pandemic. The UW Now had originally been planned as a series of events in cities across the United States. Instead, the programming is now offered via YouTube and will continue through the spring. The next event will be April 14 and will feature Robert Golden, dean of the UW’s School of Medicine and Public Health and the Robert Turell Professor in Medical Leadership, and Alan Kaplan, chief executive officer of UW Health.

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