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Badgers take issues to Congress

UW–Madison Day in Washington, DC.

MADISON, WI (March 19, 2018) — More than 60 University of Wisconsin–Madison alumni, students, and friends gathered in Washington, DC, to let their voices be heard as part of the second annual UW–Madison Day. The Wisconsin Alumni Association® (WAA) organized the day of outreach to members of Congress and their staff members.

The day began with a breakfast meeting to discuss the key issues with lawmakers, including both Wisconsin senators, Ron Johnson and Tammy Baldwin, as well as Wisconsin Congressmen Mark Pocan, Glenn Grothman, and Mike Gallagher.

The red-and-white–clad Badger contigent then fanned out across the U.S. Capitol for meetings with lawmakers and their legislative staffs to discuss support for federal research funding and concerns about the Higher Education Act reauthorization that negatively impacts financial aid and graduate-student support. Advocates met with Wisconsin-delegation members Senator Ron Johnson, Speaker Paul Ryan, and Representatives Ron Kind, James Sensenbrenner, Sean Duffy, and Mike Gallagher.

“This is an ideal way for UW–Madison supporters to speak to their legislators about important issues facing the university, said Mike Fahey, managing director of state and university relations for WAA and a 1989 UW–Madison alumnus. “These UW–Madison alumni and friends are affirming their support for higher education and making sure it is a priority now and in the future.”

A lunch presentation by UW–Madison faculty members Barbara Bendlin, Sam Poore, and Federico Rey highlighted their research work and the importance of federal funding to their efforts. The lunch was attended by UW Day participants as well as congressional staff members who work on the Science and Technology and Higher Education Committees in the House and Senate.

The day concluded with a reception in the Rayburn Foyer. The event brought together approximately 150 alumni who work on Capitol Hill plus staff from the Wisconsin congressional delegation. At the event, the Wisconsin Alumni Association’s chief alumni officer and executive director, Sarah Schutt, honored 1968 University of Wisconsin graduate Representative Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) for becoming the longest-serving woman member in House of Representatives history. Other UW–Madison alumni who participated in the day included Senator Baldwin JD’89 and Representatives James Sensenbrenner JD’68; Mark Pocan ’86; Glenn Grothman ’77, JD’83; and Jim Jordan ’86 (R-OH).

Media Information

Contact: Tod Pritchard,, 608-609-5217, @WisAlumni

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