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UW Week in Review: February 8–12

Welcome to the UW Week in Review, which recaps some of UW–Madison’s top news from the week.

UW Week in Review

Welcome to the UW Week in Review, which recaps some of UW–Madison’s top news from the week. We know you have a lot going on, so we’ve consolidated stories you won’t want to miss into one convenient place. Click on the links below to read this week's follow the Wisconsin Alumni Association® (WAA) on Instagram so you don’t miss our weekly posts!

Moving UW–Madison forward in a Time of Crisis

In an annual address to the UW System Board of Regents, Chancellor Blank spoke on some of campus’s biggest challenges amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Watch the address >>

UW–Madison Driving Wisconsin’s Economy, Now and Into the Future

A recent study by NorthStar Analytics LLC demonstrated the significant economic impact the UW has across Wisconsin each year. The UW, its affiliate organizations, and the start-up companies stemming from the university have a total $30.8 billion annual statewide impact. And for every dollar taxpayers invest into the UW, more than $26 is put back into the state’s economy. Read more >>

UW School of Medicine and Public Health Expert Debunks Vaccine Misinformation and Myths

Ajay Sethi, an associate professor in the UW’s School of Medicine and Public Health and faculty director of the master of public health program, addressed some myths about the COVID-19 vaccination. “If not careful, it can become very easy for unsuspecting people to fall victim to these myths,” he said. Watch the video >>

What to Know after You Get the Vaccine

UW Health provided tips for those who have received the COVID-19 vaccine. Among them, experts urge precautions still be taken. Read more >>

Local Philanthropist Pleasant Rowland Donates $10 Million for New Transplant Clinic at University Hospital

Pleasant Rowland, founder of Pleasant Company (now American Girl), has donated $10 million toward a new transplant clinic at University Hospital. Rowland underwent a kidney transplant at the hospital in 2012. “This gift today is my way of saying thank you to the team for the incredible care I received here, to the many donors and their families for making such a selfless choice, and as a gift to all the transplant recipients who will come here seeking a second chance at life,” Rowland said. Read more >>

Second Round of Emergency COVID-19 Financial Aid Coming for Students

The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II) was recently authorized and will provide a second round of financial aid for students affected by the pandemic. The UW will receive $9.9 million to support impacted students and their families. Read more >>

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