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A Message from WAA in Response to Racial Injustice

The Wisconsin Alumni Association® stands in support of our alumni, students, and colleagues of color and their allies.

As we experience the impact of a global pandemic and react to unacceptable incidents of racial injustice, sustaining a sense of community has never been more important. We continue to witness pain, grief, and anger about recent tragic events as well as historical injustices, inequalities, and racism.

The Wisconsin Alumni Association® stands in support of our alumni, students, and colleagues of color and their allies. We know that we have much to learn and firmly believe that to make significant and meaningful change, we must do so together. As the Executive Director of our organization, I am personally looking for new ways to learn and lead.

In their messages to the campus community, UW Chancellor Rebecca Blank and Vice Provost and Chief Diversity Officer Patrick Sims have shared that they intend to lead in this effort, and we fully support and join them as we all move forward. We encourage you to be engaged along with us, and have gathered some resources below that may help.

To our alumni, students, and colleagues of color and their allies: We will do better.  

On, Wisconsin.

Sarah Schutt
Executive Director, Wisconsin Alumni Association

Statements from the UW–Madison community

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