Finals Frenzy
I still have nightmares of going into a final exam being totally unprepared even though I took my last final in May 1962.
Dolores Adler Erlebacher ’62
Skokie, Illinois
I am 82 and graduated from Wisconsin in 1962 with a BBA. I still dream once in a while about having a final in a class that I have not studied for or maybe even haven't gone to all semester. Glad when I wake up and realize it is only a dream.
Jerry Doran ’62
How about the reoccurring nightmares that you forgot to go to a class all semester!!!
Pamela Crawford MS’92
Westfield, Wisconsin
So I am one of those people who “slew finals with the utmost confidence” (mostly). But throughout my undergrad and graduate education, and for quite a while thereafter, I had the following recurring nightmare: The dream takes place the night before final exams. I have just remembered that I had registered for an “easy-A,” ‘blow-off,” general-studies course; and the final exam is tomorrow! The entire grade in this course hinges on the final exam; but I did not attend a single lecture, and did none of the required reading. There is no way I can cram an entire semester of work into a single night! The horror.
I have related this story to many people over the years and it is remarkable how many of them have had almost the same recurring nightmare. You guys should do a poll.
John Jeanneret ’80
Western Springs, Illinois
My roommates and I would “study” for finals by going up to Science Hall on the fifth floor and when we were done, would take the fire escape down. To this day, I still have dreams that I did not complete an exam for an English class that I needed for graduation.
Nick LoCicero ’82
Oak Creek, Wisconsin
I never missed an exam, but I still have dreams that I did. Or dreams that I signed up for a class but forgot to attend.
Terrance Nayes ’73, ’73
Eden Prairie, Minnesota