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Blushing Badgers – 2000s

Think modern dating is all about social media, selfies, and tinder dating? Check out these sweet stories of Badger love.

Badgers know that Cupid’s bow shoots missiles tipped with Motion W–shaped arrowheads. Students find chemistry with each other while sharing a Bunsen burner, or they make sweet music during a trombone lesson. We asked you readers to share tales of where love found you while you were on campus, and your responses brought an ear-splitting chorus of “Awwww…” We have space to reproduce only a fraction of what we received, which should still be enough to send the dial on the romance-o-meter spinning.

In this update, Badger grads of the ’00s share tales of campus romance. Check out the links below for stories from other decades.

More Blushing Badgers

Sir Williams JD’11


My fiancée Truscenialyn Brooks JD’11 and I met in the Law Building, on Bascom Hill, during our day of Orientation in the fall of ’08. The stress of first year coupled with the cold Wisconsin winter fostered a mutually supportive camaraderie, out of which grew an abiding love and respect. In other words, we became inseparable. We officially began dating in spring ’09. I proposed in the summer of ’12, about a year after we graduated and minutes before we closed on our first home.

Thanks for giving us the opportunity to share our story!

Rachel Krystek Haas ‘10

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

It was 2007 - the second school year that Liz Waters was a co-ed dorm. My room in Dawe House was so close to Lake Mendota I would wake up to the sound of the waves. It was here I met a tall, handsome engineer major. His dorm room was the room directly below mine.

That engineer [Bryan Haas ‘11] is my husband now. Our adventures have taken us all over; from campus, to three Rose Bowls, to El Salvador and Peru, to Colorado and Montana. No matter where we go, Madison will always feel like home. On Wisconsin!

Chip Nitschke '10, MA'12


My wife [Marie Nitschke ‘11] and I met in CARSoN'S Carryout in the Lakeshore. She was a Team Member and I was a Student Supervisor (the cute sup) before I left for study abroad in spring of '09. When I returned, I was no longer a sup, but was working as a House Fellow in Tripp, and hanging out with my former sups from CARSoN'S. We quickly hung out more and more, and in the spring of 2011 I proposed, and we were married in the Allen Centennial Gardens September 30, 2012. Coincidentally enough, two of our fellow student supervisors also were married in the summer of 2013! CARSoN'S must have been putting something extra special in the Juston Stix!

Haily Rubesch ’13

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Ethan [Green BBA '12, MCA ’13] and I met on Halloween of 2012 at the Church Key. He was dressed as a house painter, and I was dressed as a hiker who had been attacked by a bear (complete with a headlamp and backpack of snacks). We were both there with groups of friends, but we struck up a conversation and hit if off. Our groups went their separate ways, but the next day he asked me if I wanted to go to the football game. I said yes, and we have been dating ever since. There was never a conversation about it, we just knew. Now we are picking names for our first dog — Bascom is at the top of the list.

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