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UW Alumnus Joins Minnesota Academy of Science Board of Directors: Jeff Lande

Minnesota Academy of Science Welcomes Jeff Lande to Board of Directors

The Minnesota Academy of Science (MAS) is honored to welcome Jeff Lande of Minneapolis to its Board of Directors. As a longtime judge for the MAS-sponsored Minnesota State Science and Engineering Fair, Dr. Lande will bring valuable experience to help steer the nonprofit’s mission of advancing science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in the state. “I have been a judge at the State Science and Engineering Fair for many years, it is so inspiring to see the amount of work that these young people put into their projects. I very much look forward to being a part of continuing to create opportunities for students,” said Dr. Lande

Dr. Lande is a Senior Principal Statistician at Medtronic. Dr. Lande holds a PhD in Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology and Genetics (2005) and a MS in Statistics (1994) from the University of Minnesota. He earned a BS in Mathematics and Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1991). “Dr. Lande brings a wealth of knowledge about the importance of STEM in Minnesota. His experience will benefit MAS as we work to open doors to STEM for Minnesotans of all backgrounds,” said MAS Executive Director Lara Maupin.

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