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UW Week in Review: September 21–25

The UW Week in Review recaps some of UW–Madison’s top news from the week.

Welcome to the UW Week in Review, which recaps some of UW–Madison’s top news from the week. We know you have a lot going on, so we’ve consolidated stories you won’t want to miss into one convenient place. Click on the links below to read this week's follow the Wisconsin Alumni Association® (WAA) on Instagram so you don’t miss our weekly posts!

Back to the Classroom: UW–Madison Returns to In-Person Instruction

After two weeks of all-virtual classes, the UW announced that in-person instruction will resume on September 26. See more >>

Masking: The Truth. Face the Facts about Face-Covering

UW Health gives the straight dope about masks and other face-coverings. (Spoiler alert: they really do help prevent the spread of COVID-19.) Read more >>

The Picture of Health: UW Lands National Medical Imaging Program

A $22 million National Institutes of Health grant will create a new medical imaging center on campus. It’s the revolution you’ve been waiting for … if you’ve been waiting for a revolution in cryo-electron microscopy and tomography. Read more >>

A Veggie Tale: F.H. King Students Donate Produce

The UW’s F.H. King Students for Sustainable Agriculture are raising more than vegetables — they’re also raising spirits. The group is donating the produce it grew on its campus garden plots to help people in need during their Harvest Handouts events. Read more >>

Care Packages: #ItsWhatBadgersDo

Badger students Adam Krumholz x’21 (of football fame) and Demi Philosophos x’20 saw a need in Madison. Working with the city’s Nehemiah organization, they’re creating personal care kits to get essential supplies to people who suffer from social or racial inequities.  Watch the video >>

Want more? Follow WAA on Instagram for our weekly update — a quick and convenient way to stay connected to the UW. Check out this week’s post. 

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