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The Bucky List: The Eight Best UW-Themed Plates

At least, the eight best that one WAA staffer — a self-proclaimed plate watcher — has documented.

At least, the eight best that one WAA staffer — a self-proclaimed plate watcher — has documented.

There you are: driving along, blasting some tunes, when you spot something. A red-and-white license plate frame. A Motion W sticker. Does your heart start to beat a little quicker knowing that you’re sharing the road with a fellow Badger fan? Ours sure do. That’s why one WAA staffer has been making notes of the most creative UW-themed license plates she’s seen during the last 18 years or so. Here are our votes for the top eight, spotted in and around the Madison area:

Best lack of vowels

Best use of a number

gnilleps fo esu tseB (try this one in a mirror...)

Best inclusion of a female sheep

Best tradition upholder

Best nod to academia

Best use of times tables

Best use of a language other than English

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