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State Street Pop-Up Restaurant to Feature Only Pop Tarts

The Toaster of the Town offers an all-toaster-pastry menu.

This Saturday, UW students and other State Street denizens will have the chance to experience authentic haute toaster cuisine when The Toaster of the Town opens, a restaurant featuring Pop-Tarts.

“Pop-Tarts are the ultimate comfort food,” says restaurateur Les Likely ’19. “But not everyone has the time, patience, or skill to make Pop-Tarts at home. We want to give those good people the kind of toaster-pastry experience they dream of.”

Likely adds that the menu at The Toaster of the Town will go beyond ordinary Pop-Tarts. It will also offer Toaster Strudel, Nabisco Toastettes, Quaker Toastables, and Toast’em Pop-Ups. Likely purchased an industrial six-slot toaster to handle what he expects to be heavy demand.

The Toaster of the Town will be located at 1848 State Street, a site that has a legendary history of popular restaurants. Previous tenants include The Aquatarian, a bar that served only water (and, in winter, ice); Turkey Trots, a raw-food poultry hut; a single-service oxygen bar called Airs for One; The Garnisher, a parsley-and-lemon-wedge emporium; PokéMango, a virtual restaurant in which patrons use a GPS-linked phone app to find collectible images of bowls of rice, fruit, and raw fish; The Great British Baking Powder; and The Hyperbolic Paraboloid, which served only Pringles. All of those restaurants opened and closed in the last week alone.

“Toaster of the Town joins a storied tradition,” Likely says. “I’m confident we can live up to that legacy.”

Happy April Fool's Day!

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