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No More Jumping Around

UW–Madison must replace its beloved fourth-quarter song.

students jumping around at camp randall

The UW recently received some news that will disappoint Badger fans, athletes, and students alike. A legal representative for the music group House of Pain contacted the university’s marketing department on March 25, 2022, with a cease-and-desist order on its use of “Jump Around” at various football events and commencement ceremonies.

“It’s a 24-year tradition — we never expected something like this,” shares Cam Prandall, Wisconsin assistant athletic director for marketing and promotions. “It might sound trivial, but this is a significant blow to morale, especially after all the challenges we’ve faced since the start of the pandemic.”

“Jump Around” has been synonymous with Wisconsin for nearly a quarter century. The song was first used at the October 10, 1998, Homecoming game. When he could no longer play, injured tight end and marketing intern Ryan Sondrup ‘99 was tasked with creating a playlist of popular songs to use during lulls in the game. From that list, Prandall randomly chose the 1992 House of Pain hit, and the student section went wild. “There was a lot of energy in the stadium,” says Prandall. Unsure if it would catch on, the song was played again at the start of the 1999 football season, and the result was more of the same. The students’ contagious reaction and ongoing participation became the launching pad for this celebratory tradition.

So, what’s next? The UW marketing department is on the hunt for a replacement song. According to an update from Prandall, they are currently considering “Let Me Clear My Throat” by DJ Kool.

“The old-school reunion remix ’96 version is on our shortlist,” he shares, “but at the end of the day, it’s not really up to us. It’s the students and the fans who will ultimately choose our new, fourth-quarter tradition.”

We hope you enjoy the rest of your April Fool’s Day. On, Wisconsin!

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