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Catching up with Alicia Hazen ’00

Revisit the turn of the century with Alicia Hazen ’00, for whom UW–Madison launched a career in careers. She’s the career services director (and an assistant dean) at the UW’s School of Human Ecology.

Alicia Hazen '00

Favorite ’00 Band: G. Love and Special Sauce

Favorite ’00 Concert: There was a music festival at Willow Island by the Alliant Energy Center that had a whole bunch of people: G. Love and Special Sauce, Tristan Prettyman, and the John Butler Trio.

Favorite Movie: Love and Sex with Famke Janssen and Jon Favreau

Favorite Campus Hangouts: The Black Student Union in Memorial Union and Helen C. White Hall

The ’00 Trend I’d Like to Bring Back Is: None of them. I think they need to stay right where they were.

Biggest Accomplishment: Getting my master’s degree. I went back to school in 2019 — fun time to start a grad program. COVID hit, I was working full-time remotely, and I had a five-year-old doing kindergarten remotely. But I persevered.

What Are You Working on Now? Something I’m proud of working on currently is ensuring that all students are paid for their required internship. That’s been a goal of mine for several years now. We [at SoHE] created a scholarship program back in 2017 that we’ve been able to expand, and our dean has committed a great deal of money to ensuring that all students are paid.

What Professor Made an Impression on You? I loved Craig Werner’s Hip-Hop in the ’90s class. At the time I wanted to be a radio announcer, to be a DJ. Music was a core part of my life. I still have the textbook from that class.

A Favorite Campus Memory Is: One of my favorite memories is being able to work at Wisconsin Public Radio as an intern. I took a class with Greg Schnirring, who was the then director of WPR, and afterward, he shoulder-tapped me and said I should apply for an internship. Sometimes it just takes one person noticing you and encouraging you to change things for you.

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