Did you know that Dairy Queen offers a quart-sized Blizzard? But there isn’t technically a DQ on campus, and that’s almost certainly not what you meant. With a total of 17.3 inches, December 3, 1990, was the single snowiest day recorded in Madison — and one of few official snow days in campus history. (A brave Badger captured the havoc in this video.) Snowfall data from the UW’s Wisconsin State Climatology Office begins in 1884, so earlier grads might have truly walked to class in blizzards every day (uphill both ways) — we’ll never know. According to the numbers we do have, Badgers from 2008 enjoyed — or endured — the most snow overall. The month of December 2008 saw a record 40.1 inches, the winter of 2007-08 brought a record 101.4 inches, and the calendar year 2008 takes the snowiest spot with 111.1 total inches. Students on campus during the 1901-02 winter season can claim the least snowy experience: they received a total of four inches. In second place for the least snowy season is our current crop of students — so far, Madison has only had 9.4 inches of snowfall this winter.