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Celebrate the Class of 2024

  • Whether you offer words of wisdom or a monetary gift, your act of kindness is a reminder of what it means to be a Badger supporter. Please choose how you’d like to offer your support below.

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  • (maximum 230 characters)
    If checked, your name will display in the following format: Bucky B. ’24
  • (maximum 4 characters)
  • All submissions will be moderated before posting, which may take up to two hours depending on submission volume. Publication is not guaranteed.

  • By submitting a note, you grant the Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association (WFAA) permission to edit and/or or share your post on its website, social media, and other platforms and agree to WFAA’s Digital Community Guidelines. Such use may include your first name, last initial, and graduation year. If you wish for your note to be used anonymously, you may select the anonymous option upon submission. All other information about you will remain confidential regardless of whether you select the anonymous option.