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John Knoebel–Lifelong LGBTQ Activist honored

John Knoebel 1969, a pioneer member of the New York Gay Liberation Front (1969-72), served as a leading presenter of LGBTQ history in this year’s 24-hour worldwide GlobalPride webcast June 27, 2020—a 50th anniversary virtual celebration of the first Gay Pride March in which he participated.
Last year, Knoebel was honored to be named a Grand Marshal of the 2019 NY Pride March on the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riot which sparked the modern LGBTQ rights movement. The March brought a crowd estimated at over 3 million to the streets of Manhattan.
A life-long gay activist and author, Knoebel had a 33-year career as VP Marketing and as President at The Advocate and OUT magazines, the leading titles in the LGBTQ market. In recent years, Knoebel was a co-founder of the website:, that has captured oral histories of over one hundred LGBTQ pioneers from the early years of gay activism in the United States.

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