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Eric Frailing Receives 2018 Young Professional Award from the Wisconsin Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)

Eric Frailing, PE, PTOE and Transportation Project Engineer at MSA Professional Services, Inc. (MSA) has been selected to receive the 2018 Wisconsin Young Professional Award by the Wisconsin Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE).

The award recognizes the outstanding achievements of transportation professionals under the age of 35 who have shown a dedication to transportation engineering and who are making significant contributions to the profession. Frailing was honored during the Wisconsin ITE Annual Meeting and banquet on December 5, 2018 in Johnson Creek, Wis. He was selected for his demonstrated passion, enthusiasm and knowledge related to transportation engineering, serving as an up-and-coming leader within the industry.

Frailing became certified as a Professional Traffic Operations Engineer (PTOE) in August of 2018, a certification representing one of the highest levels of licensing available in the Traffic Engineering field. His expertise lies in both conventional and roundabout intersection design, intersection control evaluation, safety and operational analysis, microsimulation modeling, project visualization, policy writing and review.

Eric earned his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in Minnesota and Wisconsin as well as a member of the ITE. While at UW-Madison, he worked as a student assistant in both the Traffic Operations & Safety Lab as well as the Midwest Regional University Transportation Center (MRUTC). Eric graduated in 2007.

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