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Resources while in France

Employment Resources

Check back here for further information soon.

Housing Resources

Finding an apartment in Paris can be quite an adventure! Before setting out on your search, have an idea of what neighborhood or arrondissement(s) you’d like to live in. Though metro lines and bridges cross the River Seine, a mental divide between rive gauche (left bank, south of the river) and rive droite (right bank, north of the river) still permeates most Parisians’ daily routines. Each arrondissement has its own subculture and you’ll want to dig around to find the neighborhoods that best match what you’re looking for. Most sites will categorize apartments by the arrondissement or postal code.

Make sure you’re on a metro/tram/bus/RER line that’s convenient for your daily routine. See routes at

Ensure that your apartment is on a floor that you’re comfortable with. Traditionally, the lower the floor of the apartment, the lower the rent (and the higher the risk of break-ins). Also, keep an eye out for whether the building has an elevator or not. Some of the historic buildings in the city – and Paris possesses many – do not have them.

Be aware of additional costs in the rental, including honorariums paid to the real-estate agent for ‘finding’ the apartment and monthly charges for shared services in the building (hallway cleaning, garbage removal, concierge, elevator maintenance, etc.).

As in any large city, ensure that you are dealing with an individual you can trust. Wait to exchange large sums of money for the moment when you get your keys, sign your lease agreement and do your walk-through.

The following sites have been helpful to fellow chapter members:

Catching the Game

To see the Wisconsin game, your best bet is to head to 'The Great Canadian'. It's the best sports bar in Paris that caters to North Americans. Provided that the Wisconsin game is not at the same time as hockey (the owner is a huge fan), you've got a great chance to see it.

The Great Canadian
25, Quai Grands Augustins
75006 Paris
Located one block west of métro station St. Michel, it’s right on the Seine.

If you're a Packer fan, you're surest bet to find the game is at the only Green Bay Packer bar in the city:

Wide Open Space (WOS) Bar
184, rue Saint Jacques
75005 Paris
Located between the Luxembourg gardens and the Panthéon.

Other American University Events in France

While we hope you will be able to join us for our four to five yearly, Wisconsin-specific gatherings, there is a wide array of activities hosted by American universities in the Paris area.

Several alumni are also members of the American Universities Clubs of France (AUC). We encourage you to attend their events. For updated information, see their web site directly.