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Corinne Banks

Hometown: Menasha, Wisconsin

Why UW–Madison?

I always knew I wanted to stay close to home and UW - Madison is the most reputable and prestigious school just a few hours away— which was perfect for me. Among the scenic campus, many resources created for their students, and the ambitious community, the University is a perfect fit. I am a second generation college student, but the first in my family to attend the UW.

What are you interested in studying?

I am currently in between double majoring in Spanish and Biology, or pursuing a certificate in Spanish and majoring in Biology. I have always believed that learning a second language is essential and will aid me in not only career opportunities the future may hold, but everyday life. I also want to go on to medical school after my undergraduate degree.

What is one key thing you have learned or experienced?

One key thing that I have learned, which may seem obvious, is to stay organized. I realized quickly that college can be a lot to handle and there will always be homework assignments, advisor meetings, study sessions and so much more. Being disorganized can only lead to stress, so within my first week of school the “mental notes” were done being taken and a daily planner was bought!

Any surprises about college life that you did not anticipate?

Something that I had been very worried about in the upcoming months of move in day was simply feeling like a number, or a “tiny” freshman in a sea of thousands of students. Sure, walking to class up Bascom Hill for the first time surrounded by fellow students was a little intimidating, but I learned very quickly that the faculty at UW is amazing and do their best to get to know all of their students. I was pleasantly surprised as to how welcoming and supportive everyone on this campus is and how at home I felt.

Anything else you’d like to say to the many alumni who read the newsletter?

With great sincerity, I would like to say thank you for supporting my academic journey. Without the WAA: Fox Valley Scholarship, going to this amazing University would not have been a possibility. To all who donate and will continue to donate to this Scholarship, know your donations are life-changing and greatly help students like myself. On Wisconsin!