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Volunteer Dispute Resolution Policy

The WAA is committed to an environment in which all people are treated with respect and dignity. WAA has therefore adopted a dispute-resolution policy to establish a comprehensive method of resolving chapter volunteers’ concerns that builds trust and produces prompt and fair resolutions.

This policy can be used to resolve issues regarding any condition of volunteer involvement or the application, meaning, or interpretation of any volunteer resource policy or procedure that affects the work activity of a volunteer. Volunteers are strongly encouraged to follow the steps listed below to discuss their concerns with their local board or their WAA staff support person or supervisor.

Step One

The volunteer should promptly report a concern to his or her volunteer supervisor, who will investigate the matter and take appropriate action. Any volunteer supervisor who receives a concern alleging a violation of the WAA Equal-Rights Statement (see below) will also notify the appropriate WAA chapter representative or WAA’s director of constituent relations immediately.

If the volunteer’s concern involves his or her volunteer supervisor, the volunteer should report his or her concern to the person at the next level of WAA management, who will review the situation.

Step Two

If the problem is not resolved in Step One, the volunteer is encouraged to seek assistance from WAA’s managing director of constituent relations, who will consider the facts, conduct an investigation, review the findings and recommendations, and reply to the volunteer. The volunteer will then be asked to put the concern in writing and provide appropriate documentation.

Step Three

If the volunteer is not satisfied with the decision of WAA’s managing director of constituent relations, he or she may prepare a written summary of the concerns and request that the matter be reviewed by WFAA’s vice president of human resources and/or WAA’s president and chief alumni officer. In these instances, the decision of this individual is final.

No volunteer will experience retaliation for acting in good faith to report — or assisting in the investigation of — a potential issue. If WAA concludes at any time during the process or investigation that a volunteer has filed a claim in bad faith, has refused to cooperate in the investigation of an issue, or has provided false information regarding an issue, disciplinary action up to and including termination from volunteer service may be taken.

WAA reserves the right to continue or suspend the review of an issue if the volunteer raising the issue files a charge or complaint with an external agency or terminates volunteer involvement.

WAA Equal-Rights Statement

Equal Opportunity

The Wisconsin Alumni Association provides equal opportunities for all volunteers, regardless of race, color, gender, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, or any other basis prohibited by state or federal laws.

Harassment Policy

The purpose of this policy is to affirm the Wisconsin Alumni Association’s commitment to maintaining an environment free from discrimination and unlawful harassment. The association does not condone sexual harassment or any other harassment prohibited by law. Any such harassment violates the policy of the association and will not be tolerated. State and federal laws prohibit harassment of volunteers by other volunteers, volunteer supervisors, staff, managers, officers, clients, visitors, vendors, and contractors.

Prohibited harassment is harassment based on the categories in the Equal Opportunity Statement. Such prohibited harassment includes, but is not limited to, making vulgar, offensive, or demeaning comments, jokes, gestures, or remarks using any of the above attributes regarding a volunteer when the intended result is to adversely affect a volunteer’s conditions, environment, or state of mind.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination. It includes unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature directed at anyone. Sexual harassment includes but is not limited to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s volunteering, (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for volunteering decisions affecting such an individual, or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.

Unwelcome comments, jokes, pictures, remarks, or questions — whether spoken, put in writing, or sent electronically — that are sexual in nature or content can qualify as sexual harassment. Making obscene or lewd remarks or gestures and engaging in unwanted touching or brushing against someone can also constitute sexual harassment. This kind of conduct is improper even if there is no intent or purpose to offend. The volunteer space, including off-premises chapter events, business meetings, and business meals or get-togethers are all places where this conduct should not occur.