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Email or Event Request Form

After completing all required parts of the form and submitting it, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive confirmationcontact your WAA representative.

Your email send date will be confirmed by your WAA representative. You may request special considerations in the notes section of the form below, but these cannot be guaranteed.

You will have an opportunity to review your email/web page/registration page before it is sent/goes live.

Emails requested via this form will be sent out to all alumni, WAA members, and chapter committee members in your defined region, unless otherwise requested (see FAQ).

Single emails and event promotions (with event page and/or registration):


  • Turnaround time: 3 business days
  • Newsletters will be formatted by the WAA digital production team based on best practices and the content you submit. Here is an example of what your newsletter may look like.
  • Events included in newsletters need to be submitted separately in advance of a newsletter request.
  • Stories and news that will be linked to chapter web pages should be added to the web by the chapter in advance of the newsletter submission. Please provide appropriate links in your submission.

Event web page and/or event registration (no additional email communication):

  • Turnaround time: 3–5 business days*
  • Event web pages will be formatted by the WAA digital production team based on best practices and the content you submit. Here is an example of what your event page may look like.

*NOTE: Does not apply to Founders' Day or Student Send-Off submissions

If you have any questions about this form, please see the FAQ section.

  • Limit your subject line to 30 characters. Some mobile devices will cut off subject lines after 35 characters. Do not include group name in subject line. This will be included in the sender profile.
    (maximum 50 characters)
  • Please upload copy only, no photos/images here. Maximum file size is 2MB per upload.
  • Your email text will be a short paragraph (2–3 sentences) to grab your readers’ attention. You do not need to include the date, time, location, or price of your event in this text. That information will be highlighted separately. Character limit: 500
    (maximum 500 characters)
  • An illustration will be provided for your communication header based on your choice.
  • Please make sure your file is one of the following file types: .png, .jpg, or .gif. To use it in an email, it must be at least 600 pixels wide. Make sure your file name does not include punctuation as this can cause the form to not submit properly. By submitting this photo to WAA, you verify that you have authorization to provide this image for use in email and website communications on behalf of your chapter or group.
  • If different than requester.
  • The event page text can be a longer than the email text. You may want to include additional information about the event or venue that is not included in the email. Character limit: 1000
    (maximum 1000 characters)
  • Please list up to three choices, if applicable. Specify if any choices are vegetarian, gluten-free, etc.
    (maximum 1000 characters)
  • (Ex. A drink ticket for the first beverage will be provided. A cash bar will be available serving wine and beer.)
    (maximum 1000 characters)
  • Minimum of 3–5 business days after this request is submitted.
  • The last date you will accept registrations. Registration must be live for two weeks prior to event date.
  • Prices, what the price includes, menu options, package add-ons, parking suggestions, and any other relevant event information.
  • Refunds will be processed by groups, not WAA.
  • Additional Information About the Speaker

    Please include the following information if available. If your WAA representative is providing it, you may leave this blank.

  • Limit is 1000 characters.
    (maximum 1000 characters)
  • Limit is 1000 characters.
    (maximum 1000 characters)
  • Please submit a headshot for your speaker. 300x300px, or a 1:1 ratio (square). Maximum file size is 2MB per upload.
  • If you have any other images or files that you would like to include with your request, please load them here. Please make sure your file is one of the following file types: .doc, .docx, .png, or .jpg. Make sure your file name does not include punctuation as this can cause the form to not submit properly.

    If you have more than four files to upload, or if you experience uploading issues, please email the files to your WAA representative. Maximum file size is 2MB per upload.

  • I acknowledge that the email, newsletter, or event copy I've provided via this form will be used verbatim. I have proofread everything and checked that all links are working.