Your Official Chapter Logo
All WAA chapters have a distinctive crest logo that reinforces the affiliation among chapters, WAA, and the University of Wisconsin. Imagery such as photos of campus or Bucky Badger may be used in conjunction with — but not in place of — the crest logo. Contact your chapter representative to obtain your logo.

WAA’s official fonts are Verlag and Mrs. Eaves XL. Verlag is to be used for headlines and short body copy. Mrs. Eaves XL is for body copy, especially in longer communications such as newsletters and formal letters. If you do not have access to these fonts, the system font Arial may be substituted for Verlag, and Palatino may be substituted for Mrs. Eaves XL.

Color is one of the most important elements of the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s brand identity. The colors below are the official colors for all University of Wisconsin–Madison institutional and athletics logos. If these colors are not available, the logos should be printed in all black or reversed in white, whichever offers the best contrast.